Green (Unroasted) Coffee Beans

Wholesale Green (Unroasted) Coffee Beans in Loiret, France, Metropolitan

Prime Felt and Agro Industries, Nepal is one of the largest wholesale supplier of Green (Unroasted) Coffee Beans in Loiret (France, Metropolitan)

View more Trade specifications in the Catalog: Green (Unroasted) Coffee Beans

Looking to buy Green (Unroasted) Coffee Beans in Loiret? Buy our top quality Green (Unroasted) Coffee Beans online at the local market price.
Dispatched within 24 hours - Express Courier delivery, door-to-door delivery service.
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Green unroasted coffee beans of Nepal - Arabica

Gourmet coffee produced, harvested in the mountains of Nepal. Our coffee is a gourmet selection which is grown at elevation of over 1500m. Himalayan coffea arabica beans from Nepal. Fresh Cherries are pulped with wooden pulping drums & fermented in tanks. They are, then, washed and sun-dried.

Did you know? Arabica coffee is the first species of coffee to have been cultivated and is currently the dominant cultivar, representing about 60% of global production.

If you are looking for a wholesaler of wool dryer balls in Loiret (France, Metropolitan) we are here to help you. We are the leading supplier of Green (Unroasted) Coffee Beans in Loiret, France, Metropolitan. We take custom orders and offer services like private labeling, custom designing and packaging services. We have experience of exporting wholesale Green (Unroasted) Coffee Beans to over 57 countries worldwide and have been providing the best price Green (Unroasted) Coffee Beans to our customers around the globe.

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Custom requirements including Private Label Green (Unroasted) Coffee Beans

As Prime Felt and Agro Industries has both Felt manufacturing unit and a Agro-based product manufacturing/processing unit, we have the ability to cater to your custom Green (Unroasted) Coffee Beans requirement. Whether it is pack size, print design on packaging or even types of packaging, we can help get you the right support you need to keep your business in Loiret growing while adding various ranges of Green (Unroasted) Coffee Beans to your line of products.

Customs/Import duties

Please note that there may be customs charges/import duty on Green (Unroasted) Coffee Beans when you import them in bulk. Contact your local cargo agent in Loiret or local government body to get clear information about customs and respective charges. These duties usually only apply to wholesale bulk Green (Unroasted) Coffee Beans. If you are shopping online wholesale packs, usually you do not have to pay for custom fees (depending on the item you order). Buy Green (Unroasted) Coffee Beans from our Online Shop

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