Wholesale Herbs

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Soap Nut Shells

Soapnuts are a natural detergent that has the same properties as chemical detergent and can be used for almost any cleaning purpose.

Timut Pepper (Timur)

Locals in Nepal, have been using timut pepper for years, celebrating the spice for its taste, analgesic impact on the mouth and tongue and other medicinal effects.


Lycopodium powder has been used as a traditional medicine internally as a tea or externally as compresses for the treatment of skin conditions such as eczema, or wounds.

Calamus (Sweet Leaf)

In Ayurvedic medicine, the calamus is an important herb and is valued as a rejuvenator for the brain and nervous system, and as a remedy for digestive disorders.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is the oldest medicinal plant ever known and the most applied medicinal plant worldwide.

Golden Asparagus

Golden Asparagus (Kurilo) is used in the form of juice, and powder to treat essential hemorrhage, diarrhea, piles, hoarseness of voice, cough, arthritis, poisoning, diseases of the female genital tract, fever, and as rejuvenating

Chiraito, Chiretta, Swertia

Chiretta (Chirata, Chirayata, Swertia) grows to about three feet high and is a Nepal and some parts of India where it grows on the foothills of the Himalayas. It is harvested after flowering and the whole plant is used.


Mugwort is a plant with a creeping rhizome. It is perennial. It grows in tropical, temperate climates and has several health benefits.

Black Cardamom

Black Cardamom seed pods have a strong, camphor-like flavor, with a smoky character derived from the method of drying. Nepal is the biggest producer of large cardamom in the world, with a 68% share of the global market.


Ashwagandha is best known for its anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and stress-relieving effects. It is a highly regarded root in Ayurvedic medicine.


Moringa has many important vitamins and minerals. The leaves have 9 times more vitamin C than oranges and 14 times more potassium than bananas. Moringa Leaf has several health benefits.

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Shikakai, or the “fruit for hair”, is an Indian Ayurvedic herbal medicine. It has multiple benefits for the skin and medicinal uses and could also function as a detergent. However, it is extensively used in hair treatment and health.

Green Coffee Beans (Unroasted) - Himalayan Arabica
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Himalayan arabica, gourmet coffee from Nepal. High Altitude gourmet arabica coffee wholesale.

Paris Polyphylla Sm. (Satuwa)
Herbs Herb Paris, Love Apple - Satuwa Plant from Nepal

Paris polyphylla Sm. is an important perennial medicinal plant of the Himalayas that is increasingly being used in traditional medicines and pharmaceutical industries. To meet this accelerating demand, people are harvesting it at unsustainable rates and trading it across Nepal through both legal and illegal means. It is therefore imperative to understand the socio-ecological interactions regarding the current distribution, use, trade, and conservation of P. polyphylla, in order to guide its sustainable production in the future.

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